Helping Hands

Help support your brothers and sisters in our home division and abroad in their struggles for a better life.

Team Effort

Support LECDA-USA to achieve its development and cultural goals.

Learn More About LECDA-USA

LECDAUSA web portal is maintained by the Lebialem Cultural and Development Association (LECDA-USA, Inc.) a nonprofit organization. The site provides a window through which visitors can peek into Lebialem. LECDA-USA is United and Committed to the Development of Lebialem people, tradition and other aspects of life in the United States of America. LECDA-USA is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization representing the interest of the Lebialem people. The organization was incorporated in 2001 for the Development and Improvement of the wellbeing of the Lebialem people worldwide.

LECDA-USA has chapters and representation in many countries including Europe, Canada and the Middle East. The organization is dedicated to promoting the social, cultural, educational, and developmental wellbeing of the Lebialem culture in the Diaspora and at home.

The website is a showcase of the history of the Lebialem Dynasty, its rich heritage, evolving culture, and the activities of LECDA-USA. It is an avenue to learn more about LECDA-USA and how you can support the mission and vision of the nonprofit organization.

We hope that you will find the information posted here both informative and rewarding. You are welcome to contribute and make constructive comments. Please come back often to learn and to support our efforts in the development of the struggling masses in Lebialem. We look forward to collaborating with you.

Our Misson

LECDA-USA (United and Committed to the Development of Lebialem) is organized for the purposes of:

1: Organizing persons originating from Lebialem in the diaspora so that they maintain contact and stimulate their interest to stay engaged in the well-being of themselves and their Division. 

2: Educating both young and old by enhancing the preservation of Lebialem culture through research and publication.

3: Forming alliances with other corporations, private foundations, national as well as state and local governments, and citizens worldwide for the purposes of locating resources for use by the Corporation in its endeavor to accomplish its purposes .

4. Assisting in the rehabilitation of sanitary public infrastructure, including schools, roads, or hospitals, in Lebialem.

5. Providing access to community development facilities and services in Lebialem.

6. Providing access to medical care, water, sewer and other utilities in Lebialem.

7. Providing access to education to persons originating from or residing in Lebialem.

8. Assisting needy families originating from or residing in Lebialem by seeking grants and other resources to successfully achieve these purposes.

LECDA-USA is organized under the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation code with perpetual existence and with headquarters in Atlanta. The corporation serves as a central resource procurement organ for charitable projects in Lebialem Cameroon. LECDA-USA has graciously counted on the generosity of loyal members, friends and well-wishers to provide financial support for its many projects. All gifts in support of the LECDA-USA should be made through the proper authority— LECDA-USA CFO. All chapters shall establish a bank account with LECDA-USA corporate tax exempt ID referred to by IRS as employee Identification Number (EIN).

What We Do?

Our Projects

LECDA-USA continuously executes projects in Lebialem in fulfillment of its mission as a nonprofit development organization for the Lebialem Division in Cameroon

LECDA-USA will continue to carry out development projects in partnership with other branches, or other organizations with a similar mission as funds become available and when criteria for charitable funding are met.

LECDA-USA enjoys a 501(C) status and your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please, donation generously.


The multimedia Section is a showcase of the LECDA-USA in audio-video format. The clips are selected from various copyrighted sources. The copyright belongs to the producers and not to LECDA-USA. We thank all those who have contributed clips for this page and hope other producers will consider sending the web administrator more current and varied clips for inclusion. Please, enjoy these videos and support the mission and vision of the organization.

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How Can You Help?

Our donation will help us save and improve lives with education and emergency care.