LECDA-USA was incorporated in 2001 as LECA-USA, a nonprofit corporation set up to assist in the development of Lebialem. After a few years the name of the corporation was changed to LECDA-USA which means: Lebialem Cultural and Development Association. LECA-USA is doing business as LECDA-USA. Both names refer to the same organization.
LECDA-USA is a registered, universal nonprofit corporation, and membership is opened to every Lebialem son and daughter or anybody who supports the mission of the corporation. People from other nations can register to be members of the association. There is an annual development due for projects to support the mission of the association.
If you wish to become a member of the association, get in touch with one of the BOT members, the CEO or the CFO, and express your desire to be a member. The general assembly of the association meets once a year, usually over the Labor Day weekend. Announcements go out on many of LECDA-USA Social Media platforms: 99net, Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp.
All donations to LECDA-USA are tax deductible to the extent of the law governing nonprofit donations. Donors may request a tax receipt from the CFO. See the Donation Hotline information.
LECDAlife is an initiative of LECDA-USA set up to assist registered members in times of trouble like death in the family. It has administrators with headquarter at Scottsdale, AZ 85254. More information can be obtained by writing to: lecdalife@gmail.com.
LECDA-USA has completed many development projects in Lebialem. It continues to assist in the development of Lebialem. LECDA-USA has partners on the ground to make sure projects are well carried out and successfully completely. A list of past and ongoing projects is on the website.
LECDA-USA is administered by an elected Board of Trustees. BOT Members are volunteers and do not receive renumeration for their work. They serve a term of 3 years and represent membership from the various subdivisions and places that make up Lebialem.